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Gilles Stockton is the owner and manager of a sheep and cattle ranch in Montana and an expert in livestock production, livestock marketing, and economic development of pastoral areas, with considerable experience in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. He pursued a dual career, managing and working the family ranch since 1975, and accomplishing numerous assignments in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East for agencies and organizations such as USAID, FAO, European Commission, Save the Children Federation, and the British Red Cross Society.


BA Rocky Mountain College, Billings Montana – Junior year at the Sorbonne, Paris France. Masters of Science in Animal Science, Montana State University, Bozeman Montana.


"Nutrition Reports International", Vol. 21, No. 4, April 1980. "Barley Newsletter", vol. 19, March 1976. "Proceedings of the 27th Annual Montana Nutrition Conference", Feb. 1976. The Case for the Development of the Private Livestock Infrastructure for Somalia, Ronco Consulting Corporation, 1987. Somalia, A Study of the Profitability of Somali Exports, Deloitte Haskins and Sells, and ABT Associates, 1989. Somali Livestock Export Market Study: Joint EC-FAO Report, European Commission - Somalia Unit and UN Food and Agriculture Organization, 1995. The Improvement of Livestock Export Marketing in the North East Region of Somalia - Report and Recommendations, European Commission - Somalia Unit, 1996. Support to Livestock Exports - Northern Somalia and the Sub-Region: End of Mission Technical Report: Livestock Marketing and Range Management: FAO, Rome Italy, September, 2001. Integrated Livestock Development: Creating Sustainable Livelihoods in the Interior of Oman; PDO, Muscat Oman, 2002; Somalia – Towards A Livestock Sector Strategy – Final Report 04/001 IC-SOM, FAO/World Bank/European Union, Rome, April 2004. Sugar for the Tea: Assistance and the State of Pastoralism in the Horn, Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society, # 48 -2010. Looking Beyond Drought in Djibouti: Opportunities for Tackling Vulnerability in Pastoral Communities, Djibouti Red Crescent and British Red Cross, June 2011. We Do Not Sell The Grass: Pastoralism in Transition, Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society, #57 Spring, 2015.

Affiliations in Brief:

Past president of the Montana Cattlemen’s Association. Past chair of Northern Plains Recouce Council Agriculture Taskforce. Past board member of Western Organizations of Resource Councils. Past member of the Montana Board of Livestock (appointed position). Past member of the Secretary of Agriculture’s Advisory Board on Animal Health (appointed position). Former Pastoralist and Livestock Marketing Specialist for USAID/East Africa. Currenrly: Elected member of the Fergus County Community Council. Emergency Medical Technician with the Grass Range Volunteer Ambulance Service